I used to hear your father preach when I was at Oxford.
He had the hard, muscled physique of the laborers to whom her father preached.
Her father, a farmer, preached in a conservative Christian church founded by her grandfather.
Your father wisely preached neutrality, but he did not mind my moving into his land to destroy the enemy.
Then, her father still preaching the finer points of theology to his counselors, she slipped away and came up close to him.
Lessandra says things that differ from what your father wrote and preached all those years.
- "Very well, father," said I, "so you will preach to us all the way?"
Martinez's father preached about these matters as soon as Tino was old enough to listen.
The parents took their young son along to watch his father preach.
I'd stand and read until they pulled me in to hear my father preach the sermon.