A six-year-old does not care if her father greets imaginary people loudly on the street.
Her mother and father had been in this very house, gaily greeting Nunwich as bosom friends.
Then Linda's father, who had also worked in Mexico, greeted him with a hearty embrace.
The children would come home, and their father would greet them with open arms, rejoicing.
Then the father of the bride greeted them from across the room.
The fathers greet each other jokingly as doddering old men.
Gaius's father put out his hand and greeted the first to reach them, who bowed his head slightly on contact.
He then repeated the words his father had greeted him with when he'd stepped off the rescue ship from Ix.
He was painfully aware that his father had not so much as greeted him.
He and his father greeted each other with a silent embrace, but his mother wept as she embraced him.