It is clear from this that my father had not yet foreseen the hobbits' visit to the house of Tom Bombadil.
As his father had once foreseen, the opening to the bay in Keyhole Island could be easily fortified.
It seems then that at this time my father foresaw that Bilbo died in Rivendell.
These are references to narrative 'moments' which my father foresaw: they do not constitute an articulated narrative scheme.
Your father foresaw difficulties and so did mine.
But don't worry; your father must have foreseen something like this.
This, too, her father had foreseen.
The earlier drafts did not reach the point of Gollum's descent of the diff-face, and it may be that my father had foreseen it long since.
I think my father meant me to love you, but did not foresee this.
After the death of the Great Empress Mother, my honoured father and a circle of his friends foresee much of these happenings.