She and the boys' father ended their relationship after Demetrius was born.
Since birth his father pushed him to be a general in the army, but could not and ended serving in the police department.
Incidentally, her mother and father also end their sentences with "-mya".
The father ends the evening lying facedown in a puddle of his own urine.
Her father ended the affair by having her lover killed.
Your mother and father ended their marriage, did they not?
I sat there thinking of how my poor father had ended his life, and wondering if I wouldn't be driven to it some day.
After half an hour her father tapped the table with his pencil and ended the meeting.
He found his mother, and 18 months later the two of them made their way to the United States, where his father had ended up.
So, my father ended by fighting for a different cause from the one he had volunteered to defend.