In high school, she became a novice at a Catholic convent until her father dragged her home.
I looked back and saw my friends at the school door, but before I could say anything, my father dragged me away.
Whatever idea of self-interest influences me, I shall never have control enough to see my father, an honorable man, dragged in the mud.
His father dragged him out of the farmhouse by main force.
So my father finally dragged me away from this painting, and off we went home the next day or so.
Her father, a dark and handsome man with gray at his temples, was dragging one of his legs as if it were broken.
"My father dragged me here so he wouldn't feel so guilty about ignoring us."
Dane starts to follow, when his father drags him back down.
Gilda had seen her father dragged away from her side without a tear.
Her father dragged her sled across the ice behind his snowmobile.