Jack's late father bequeathed him just such a gem, but also left behind dark knowledge developed in association with the evil Narbondo.
Elvira's late father bequeathed her a large sum of money, to be held in trust until she is 21.
He explained that his state acted because "we are about to be deprived in the Union of the rights which our fathers bequeathed to us."
We came a long way to be rid of the stigma my father bequeathed our family.
Vargo's ship, the ship that his father had bequeathed him, was one in which he took great personal pride.
He had discovered all but two of the caches that his father had bequeathed to him.
In 1999 Arison's father died, and bequeathed her 35 percent of his possessions.
Her decision quickly changes when Stella's father dies and bequeaths to her all properties.
He not only consolidated whatever his father bequeathed to him but also expanded the territory.