As we came east along the Platte after our fateful visit I happened to spot an old tattered law book that had dropped out of some wagon, a good thick digest of laws from all over the place.
An archaic cadaver, possibly a billion years old, that had traveled with Streaker's luckless crew ever since their fateful visit to a place called the Shallow Cluster.
That fateful visit was marked by a distinct absence of seasonal goodwill or tidings of joy for the future.
For the three who drove for coffee on Monday it was a fateful visit.
On Tuesday morning, the animal paid his fateful visit to the Hoduns.
Someone who is even now watching, plotting, keeping a demented diary of unspeakable deeds, and waiting until the time is ripe for another fateful visit.
The Battleship USS Maine sailed from Key West on its fateful visit to Havana, where it blew up, igniting the Spanish-American War.
The story covers the part of Jaina's fateful visit to the planet Gallinore that was glossed over in the book Dark Journey.
Nehru's fateful visit to the Frontier in October, 1946, and its tragic aftermath in a gradual erosion of the popular base of the incumbent Khan Sahib Ministry.
It was there he was assigned to cover President Kennedy's fateful 1963 visit.