However, he failed to suspect that his group was on the verge of making that kind of fateful mistake which always precedes a catastrophe.
But perhaps the most fateful mistake was Father Colapietro's own: he forgot to put batteries in his cordless microphone.
As soon as the words were uttered, he knew with a dreadful certainty that he had made what might be a fateful mistake.
However, a slightly tipsy Rod makes a fateful mistake by trying to milk his bull, Melrose.
But America will make a fateful mistake if it tries to overpower or isolate China.
It was a fateful mistake, because Rodriguez doubled right past him.
The baseball gods were merciless once, inflicting decades of sorrow on a franchise for one fateful mistake.
Guatemala's Constitutional Court made a fateful mistake this week when it ruled that Efraín Ríos Montt can run for president in November.
His fateful mistake as a father is that he keeps secrets from his daughter.
Then Rhodan made his fateful mistake: he switched off the protective energy-field which was designed to deflect meteors in deep space.