He spent the entire night devising one delectable and improbable scheme after another, refusing to accept that the fates might force him to choose one or the other.
If fate had forced me to choose between work at a lathe or as a roofer, don't worry, I'd have chosen the roofs and become acquainted with dizziness.
Being alone was not the sort of life he wanted to have, but fate and his own nature had forced it on him.
Again fate forced the issue.
His fate, revolted, was forcing his hand.
But then through other lives and other spheres, higher lives and higher spheres mayhap, our fates must force a painful path to their last goal of union.
Temporarily at least, the maneuver spared Mr. Blair the same immediate fate as Margaret Thatcher, forced out of office by her own party in 1990 after months of maneuvering.
Private Sychyov's fate forced initially dismissive leaders, including the minister of defense, Sergei B. Ivanov, to respond to the furor.
He had had no desire to affect the mantle of greatness, but fate always forced him into a path he would have preferred to avoid.
It felt like gazing at creatures of another age, when fate cruelly forced all men to live cramped lives.