I didn't know then," he said in a fatalistic tone, "and I don't know now.
Blade didn't know what to make of these rather cryptic words, and didn't particularly care for their grim, almost fatalistic tone.
Their comedy is characterised by a bleak and somewhat fatalistic tone.
There was a fatalistic tone in the older man's voice that surprised Laymon, and worried him.
The next morning, Susan Klebold noticed a "fatalistic tone" when he said goodbye before going to school, she later told a minister.
"A willing sacrifice," she whispered then, raising her eyes to his, the violet depths whispering of dreams despite her fatalistic tone.
Her voice had a fatalistic tone, as if it no longer mattered what she did or said.
"Whatever we accomplish or fail to accomplish here no longer makes any difference," Valak said in a fatalistic tone.
But on the whole the Iraqi tactical preparation seems not to have been influenced by its own government's defiant rhetoric, and had an almost fatalistic tone.
Instead, Whitley infuses them with a spirit of the blues: a clear-eyed, fatalistic tone that accepts both exaltation and despair.