Perhaps the pickled eggs and walnuts, or the fat pork pastries had gone bad.
When they were hungry there was no Saturday giving of beans, rice, a piece of fat pork or a handful of sugar.
And then, to appease the cravings of hunger, fat pork is served to you three times a day.
A pound of fat pork was now cut up very fine and thrown into the stew, already beginning to bubble over a brisk fire.
He wanted baked beans, with plenty of fat pork.
"Yes, it's fat pork, fried very crisp and eaten with syrup."
The next course was fat pork, beans and floury potatoes.
He strode from the hall gnawing at the bone in his hand, and gulping down mouthfuls of the fat pork as he went.
Usually he brings meat, especially fat pork in winter to help me through the cold weather.
One thin slice of cold fat pork, a piece of beetroot, and a small withered apple.