Slugs - These large fat creatures are invincible, so they must be avoided.
Mrs Salt was a great fat creature with short legs, and she was blowing like a rhinoceros.
At that moment, the base of a brass candleholder crashed only inches above the fat creature, creating a new small hole in the wall.
No fat creatures run well; Some greyhounds run well.
Perhaps the humanlike Victorians had turned themselves into fat creatures in order to exist in static space.
Three sailors heaved the fat spherical creature out of the water, and dumped it dripping on the deck.
But all they saw was the fat creature sitting on the ground, his hands and feet still tightly bound.
She saw a huge fat boxlike creature trundling along be- neath the trees.
The world is filled with fat and lazy creatures.
Fancy such a great fat creature being able to fight!