They have been described as looking like uneven pearls, mini Michelin Men or fat caterpillars.
Much of Arnold Brown's strength as a stand-up comedian lies in his eyebrows, a pair of fat black, hyperactive caterpillars.
They found me and paralyzed me as a hunting wasp paralyzes a fat caterpillar.
Men and women were tending the long trench of coals over which they smoked the flesh of the fat caterpillars they collected deep in the forest.
"It looks like a big fat caterpillar flying around," Lynelle said as she went to get a jar for her new find.
We both know everything goes through you... you've got to get me the name of whoever originally got the big fat caterpillar.
Several fat caterpillars and countless slugs have been dealt with, not in a nice way, during this operation.
A fat green caterpillar on a twig is captioned "You could be the one I adore."
A fat yellow caterpillar caught his eye; it was on the trunk of a tree farther down the slope.