Corporate sponsors are eager to link their names with the world's fastest-growing sport.
Originated centuries ago by American Indians, it is now one of the fastest-growing sports among high school students.
Their game: competitive cheerleading, one of the fastest-growing sports for women in America.
Their overall campaign did get praise for tapping into what was considered the fastest-growing sport in the UK.
But two months ago, she became hooked on one of the fastest-growing sports for children: dressage.
Others, more ebulliently, have called it the fastest-growing sport in American history, which could indeed be accurate.
Giangola said Nascar was the fastest-growing sport among the 2-to-17 age group.
Triathlon is one of the fastest-growing sports in Britain but it's not just for masochists.
On the high school level, women's cross-country is one of the fastest-growing sports.
Once confined mostly to the South, auto racing has become one of the nation's fastest-growing sports.