While the income tax is in a slump right now, it is traditionally the fastest-growing source of revenue for the city.
The electronics industry, formerly one of the nation's fastest-growing sources of employment, is now emerging from a slump that has lasted two years.
The biggest and fastest-growing source of wealth in the area, however, is farming coca.
The nonprofit sector is the fastest-growing source of jobs in New York City, according to a new study of the sector's economic role.
In fact, ground beef isn't the fastest-growing source of E. coli.
IN recent years, wind and solar power have been among the fastest-growing sources of energy in the country.
Though advertising on Web sites accounts for only 2 to 3 percent of the revenues of most newspapers, it is the fastest-growing source of revenue.
Now, live video streaming is mlb.com's fastest-growing source of revenue.
Both companies said advertising represented their fastest-growing source of revenue.
Transport is the fastest-growing source of global warming gases in Europe.