The latter is the fastest-growing field in California in terms of barrels produced per year.
It was not long before biology was the fastest-growing field in all science; it was doubling its knowledge every ten years.
THE Labor Department recently estimated that the need for paralegals would increase by 75.3 percent between 1988 and 2000, making paralegal work the nation's fastest-growing field.
These chips are one of the fastest-growing and most competitive fields of semiconductor manufacturing.
In just a few years, the patient considering a rare operation has become a practitioner and advocate of one of the fastest-growing fields in surgery.
Now the most lucrative and fastest-growing fields are the complex worlds of options and other financial derivatives and the emerging markets.
It's an opportunity to change the game in the fastest-growing field in software.
"Health information management is the fifth fastest-growing field in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor," he said.
Advanced technology is the region's fastest-growing field.
Companies are increasingly farming out their computer operations to outside contractors, making this practice, known as "outsourcing," one of the fastest-growing fields in the information technology industry.