At Mach 0.855, about 570 miles per hour, the 747-8 will be the fastest commercial plane in the sky.
Tom is determined to build the fastest plane around, but his plans mysteriously disappear, which means Tom must redesign his new airplane from the beginning.
Everybody wants the best and fastest plane, of course, so that we can out fly and out shoot the enemy we know about.
Ring up the RAF and tell them I want you on the fastest plane they can find to Washington.
The current fastest plane in the world, the SR-71 Blackbird, could only reach Mach 3.
The very fastest planes usually have a short range because they burn fuel extravagantly.
Today's fastest commercial planes, like the Concorde, fly at twice the speed of sound, or Mach 2.
This is the fastest plane on the airfield.
I chartered the fastest plane I could get in Reno and came back here in nothing flat.
You Asked: What's the fastest plane in the world?