After looking confused by Tennessee's pressure defense and fast-paced offense in the first half, Ohio State streaked back into the game in the second half.
It is a fast-paced run-and-gun offense relying on smaller, more athletic players who can create mismatches by outrunning their opponents.
Coaching Philosophy Yow prefers a fast-paced offense, although not a run-and-gun style.
The Heat had been able to slow the Nets' fast-paced offense to a crawl, keeping Kidd without an assist through three quarters.
So are the higher scores and fast-paced offense here to stay?
If nothing else, Fiore has proven that a fast-paced offense and a good defense can peacefully coexist.
When people referred to the new-look Giants, they meant a new, fast-paced offense.
Nellie ball - a fast-paced offense relying on smaller, more athletic players who can outrun their opponents and make more three-point attempts.
Florida's style of football came directly from Urban Meyer's offensive-minded philosophy of a fast-paced offense and defense, generally using smaller, quicker players.
But similar to Oklahoma in the past few years, the defensive struggles could be attributed to the fast-paced offense.