Walking was no longer enough to warm him, not even fast walking.
No stairs or fast walking, just about the same amount you do here in a normal day.
Examples of aerobic exercise include fast walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming.
Soon, with the exertion of fast walking, I was sweating inside my chamois shirt and jeans.
With more than three thousand warriors camped fifteen minutes' fast walking from the celebrating pirates, they could do a good deal.
In between, you should do six cycles of three minutes' fast walking and two minutes' slow walking.
Then he began to pant from the faint exertion of fast walking, and all doubt disappeared.
Only by fast walking, and slow thinking, did she arrive.
You start off by thinking that learning her patented style of fast walking is a good way to exercise while recovering from your running injuries.
A sailboat tacks over the horizon and, after an hour or so of fast walking, I'm at one end of the beach.