Beowulf snuffled around and then took off at a fast lope towards the river.
Noses to the ground, the dogs were coming on at an fast, distance-consuming lope.
"They'll have a human director somewhere around," he said, leading the way at a fast lope down the rocks to the left.
The paws of the advancing warriors broke into a fast lope.
The sales office of the lot was a bubble dome nearly a mile away; they moved toward it with the easy, fast lope of old Moon hands.
He was sliding along in the fast, economical lope that all USF people acquired in early childhood.
I booted Ned into a fast lope, my stomach all tied up in knots.
He set off at a fast lope, leaving her amazed that he still had enough energy to move so quickly, but also puzzled.
They broke into a fast lope, forcing the young dappleback to canter.
Cherfan broke into a fast lope and Ratha galloped beside him until they reached the thornbush.