These arrangements made, our man of business rents an office in a reputable rather than a fashionable quarter of the town.
We frequented the fashionable residential quarter of the town, where our faces were not known, went to expensive restaurants, and were very English with the waiters.
Looking into a store displaying extravagant jewelry and clothes in what appeared to be a fashionable quarter, he seethed.
We walked on, in aimless fashion, almost to the Berea, the fashionable quarter of Durban.
At this very minute, in the more fashionable quarters of this fashion-conscious city, above-the-knee skirts are de rigueur.
Even the fashionable quarters had the air of untidy domesticity to which no excess of heat ever degrades the European cities.
Its style was not to his liking: a dreary self-consciously trendy place which could be in a fashionable quarter of any western city.
That is the path storm waters took when they burst through Down the Bay's alleys on the way to more fashionable quarters.
Then, noting that clouds were building to the west, he took his afternoon walk about the fashionable quarter of Brussels.
He has provided for her an apartment in a fashionable quarter, where she now lives until their marriage.