As a result of these wide-ranging interests, she had many connections within fashionable, intellectual, artistic and theatrical circles.
She supports herself by getting questionable people into fashionable social circles, in return for a fee.
After university, Wilde moved to London into fashionable cultural and social circles.
Mr Bullworth is rich and we moved in the most fashionable circles.
He had rapidly run through his patrimony, but at that time still figured in fashionable circles.
The sari is now making a comeback in fashionable circles.
She aspires to move in fashionable circles which will not, and cannot, receive her.
The horizontal form hasn't yet caught on in the more fashionable circles, and we do want to be stylish, don't we?
For the one thing, they haven't the money to appear in fashionable circles.
From the 1820s onwards, elite gentlemen - at least those among the more fashionable circles, especially the younger set and the military - wore corsets.