Nearly half of this is in fashion garments, manufacturers and exporters say.
The covered streets house stalls selling fashion garments, TVs and alternative medicine give a taste of what Japan might have been like before modernization.
Unique objective measurement and grading technology ensures guaranteed square footage and a product sought after for transformation into fashion garments.
He owned a company in London throughout the eighties which designed ladies' fashion garments.
Quantity of fashion garments that were not sold in the closing down sale - At first sight the basis that looks obvious is the net realizable value.
Monsoon PLC of London W2 for fashion garments and accessories.
Nike Sportswear releases the M-65 as a fashion garment.
The idea of essential pieces which contribute to a solid and simply combinable wardrobe also fosters the longevity of fashion garments.
The bra is a nineteenth century invention which took off as a fashion garment in the 20th century.
If you use this cable pattern as part of a fashion garment, do remember that narrow cables used between narrow strips are going to form a fabric similar to a wide rib.