Koch Schwann throws in a fascinating oddity: Strauss conducting his adaptation of "Idomeneo."
In light of the finished film, which is a fascinating oddity and as clear an indictment of racism as one might ever see, this furor seems all the more remarkable.
Bowman concludes his paper with some fascinating oddities.
Though not a great work of music, "The Wreckers" is a fascinating Edwardian oddity.
It is neither particularly chilling nor comforting; it remains a fascinating oddity, with a piano interlude in the middle.
The all-Balanchine evening presented on Tuesday night at the New York State Theater included one classic, two fascinating oddities and a modern masterwork in which one dancer stood out in a stunning performance.
Some fascinating musical oddities are on the weekend agenda, starting Saturday when the Connecticut Early Music Festival dips into the music library of Thomas Jefferson, who was also a pretty fair fiddler.
Drinks are cheap, and the cleverly decorated bar has some fascinating oddities on its walls (when you can see them).
The son of a well-to-do judge, Manet was a fascinating oddity: a rebel in art and a republican in politics who preferred to keep up appearances and the subterfuges of his class.
Instead, it includes a dizzying range of early musical films, smartly balancing a few classics and quite a few fascinating oddities.