Each offers a fascinating interplay of flavor and texture.
The great plant diversity creates a fascinating interplay of colors changing with the seasons.
Many past studies have looked at short-term changes in ecosystem responses to temperature changes, but a new paper published in the journal Nature reveals a fascinating interplay of processes over the longer term.
INTRIGUED BY THE fascinating interplay between the two humans, Erasmus summoned Serena again and commanded her to escort their guest back to his coach.
They depict not a nuclear conflagration waiting to happen but a far more complex and fascinating interplay between China and the United States, massive trading partners even as they remain political antagonists.
When the wine is swished around the palate, a fascinating dramatic interplay - almost a duel -ensues as the heavy tannin puts a wall around the fruit and then the fruit bursts through the tannin.
McKennitt remarked, "There is a fascinating interplay between architecture and sound, visually and sonically.
Titia Ex achieved international claim for her 'Flower of the Universe' in which sensors and LED lights create a fascinating interplay between visitor and the environment of the flower.
There is also fascinating interplay among the bells, the cello, a children's choir and various sections of the orchestra.
Her face went through a fascinating interplay of expressions, ending with sad.