In Misfortune by Wesley Stace, Pharaoh is named after his father's profession, a faro dealer.
After that, he had settled down to the routine existence of a faro dealer in gambling joints secretly controlled by Hub Rowley.
A former faro dealer, Crimp had been a good hand with a pack of cards until he had learned that he could handle a revolver quite as readily.
By watching the faro dealer, The Shadow was about to learn the most important feature of Quetzal's entire game.
An attendant said something to the faro dealer.
He laid the six cards with the deftness of a faro dealer in their ancient shape and sat for a long time gazing down at them in the darkness.
She soon gave up dancing to work as a faro dealer and became known for dressing in men's clothing, and at times like a gypsie.
He turned to the faro dealer, took his hand, and spoke solemnly.
As I was sayin'--" But just then the faro dealer slammed the door.
A number of gamblers, such as faro dealers, had their establishments seized by authorities and tried by police magistrates at the Court of General Sessions.