A farmer doing his chores will walk up and down a rickety ladder a dozen times.
At the start of the American Civil War, farmers would often walk away from their debts to enlist, sometimes not returning.
Thull could have used the side where the farmer had walked through the snow.
Have I not walked in your head as a farmer walks his fields?
An ornery old farmer walked into the cafe, grousing that his wife had been gone from home "right through harvest."
The farmer walked to the alley of the milking shed and stood in the warm sunlight, looking the bicycle and trailer over.
The farmer and his wife immediately walked their property to take stock of their flock.
The farmer was now walking away and the one-eyed salesman still had charge of the rooster.
A farmer, with little training, could walk into Ford's factory and become extraordinarily productive in a day or two.
Farm plows of the time were pulled by a draft animal as the farmer walked behind.