On his way home, the farmer came to the bank of a river and rented a boat.
Morgen meant morning in German, but the farmer wasn't renting mornings.
A local farmer rents his fields to a rock festival, which disturbs the quiet.
Many farmers also rented land temporarily from the state, absentee landlords, local owners, or relatives.
One desperate farmer unable to get his equipment into the sodden fields rented a small plane and dropped seeds from the air.
They find the farmers, rent space, fight City Hall and enforce the markets' regulations.
In some areas, farmers rent or lease hunting rights.
Most ordinary farmers, etc. rented their land for a specific space of time - from the Heritors.
Or that almond farmers rent bees to pollinate their crop?
In collective farmyards where every single farmer owned or rented a part of the farm, the properties become complicated.