The farmer was out of his house, plowing in another field.
It is the amount of land a farmer could plow in a morning.
Some farmers plowed in the fall, after the harvest but before the ground froze.
These were discovered in 1895, when the farmer who owned the land plowed over them and decided to take a closer look.
The farmers continually plow their fields, whether the land is fertile or not.
They do it for the same reason a farmer plows a fallow field.
Discovered in 1966 by a farmer plowing his field.
A number of Lenape graves existed at the site until 1881, but local farmers plowed them under over the next two years.
Apparently each farmer plowed several separate locations rather than trying to work the rugged or less productive areas.
The site was discovered by farmers plowing the land, when rocks and other vestiges were detected.