Between 25 and 30 farmers participate in a FFS.
The markets allow farmers to participate in an extraordinary exchange with urban customers, who may have grown up thinking that broccoli grew on supermarket shelves.
Lameo irrigation and sedimentation at Capinota cover 228 ha and more than 200 farmers participate in it.
Harris suggests that down to 200 BC, the average rural farmer (who survived) might participate in six or seven campaigns.
Many farmers participated in textiles manufacturing; whole families, women and children, were involved in this trade, often under poor conditions.
Based on the time imposed fines, one can calculate that 283 farmers must have participated in the uprising.
There are plans to establish a Duck Raising Association so that local farmers can participate in the running of the plants.
Small business owners and farmers may also participate in trafficking crimes against women or children.
About 75 percent of all corn farmers participate in the support program, which is linked to historic yields per acre.
Other farmers participate in the program as well; information is available at (800) 516-7797.