With these "deficiency payments," farmers are assured of a certain income and can obtain the loans they need to stay in business.
In lean times, farmers might obtain goods on credit from suppliers in local market towns who would be paid when times were better.
Would-be farmers with a previously disadvantaged background obtain farms privately or through affirmative action loans.
As a result, many farmers could barely obtain financing, since small local banks were reluctant to risk their limited capital on unpredictable weather.
The villagers had moved in and started clearing land for cultivation that the farmers had obtained by sale from the authorities.
As the western districts were under-represented in the colonial legislature, the farmers could not obtain redress by legislative means.
Because of the way in which the farmers obtained the land, three fourths of the purchase price should have been paid to the State.
Clearance is encouraged by a credit system under which farmers obtain grants for tree-felling on unclaimed land.
The agricultural subsidies we give to European farmers mean that farmers in developing countries cannot obtain a good price for their products.
Sometimes, farmers can obtain a check on the day they apply for the aid.