It has been noticed that more and more farmers lease farmland both in our municipality and the other ones too.
Most farmers in the area leased their land from the Government.
This time around, however, the new farmers of the Genetic Age will be leasing their plants and animals as well as their land.
The current landholders, mostly rural farmers are leasing the land from the federal government.
But land remains the property of the state, and independent farmers can only lease it or receive it in free use for an indefinite period.
You're aware that several farmers lease land from the Bartons, right?
In the 1920s, a local farmer leased the Knappogue castlelands as grazing land for his cattle.
The farmers lease land to grow poppies.
Government officials said the new policy would also allow the farmers to lease their lands for the first time.
A caretaker family has lived on the farm for nearly 35 years, and local farmers lease the fields, where they grow soybeans and corn.