The farmer killed had not been part of the picket and was there delivering food to the strikers.
They are not hunted for meat, but farmers sometimes kill and eat limited numbers.
The English, they had heard, were a perfectly mad people, who would not let honest farmers kill witches in peace.
The farmer couldn't kill it; the fox was too cute.
More than 17,500 farmers a year killed themselves between 2002 and 2006, according to experts who have analyzed government statistics.
Within an hour that farmer, once an affluent pillar of the community, had killed his wife, the bank president and a neighbor.
Caterpillars eat the plants that farmers grow and sometimes kill them.
A farmer dynamited the lodge and killed his parents when he was just a baby.
"Remember what happened when the farmer killed the goose," Hupp said.
In Iowa, state health figures show that about 47 farmers have killed themselves each year since 1980.