The farmer explained that his roosters performed their duty dozens of times each day.
A farmer explained that the area is subjected to floods sometimes, and it was necessary to let the water run away to the river.
As the farmer explained, frontline soldiers, regardless of which flag they serve under, are seldom told the real reasons behind their orders.
However, the small farmer explained that all year round, he could harvest different things.
It sits in the middle of my new field," the farmer explained as they tramped out to the spot where it stood.
"Naturally," is how farmers and market organizers explain the success and the continuing evolution of local markets.
A farmer recently explained to me that crop subsidies help to smooth out the variations in farm income.
"Works better this way," explains the farmer.
Now Diebner looked earnest, like a farmer solemnly explaining how excel- lent his beets were.
I haven't done any planting in that section yet," the farmer explained.