The farmer had carried a bow with a broad-head arrow nocked.
But next morning the farmer ignored it and carried on with his normal works.
"If farmers cannot carry on normal practices, after a certain point farmers say I've had enough."
The farmer carried an ax of sorts, a blade stuck in a branch, and a saber.
Vietnamese farmers who had been working in the nearby rice paddies carried the boy's body away.
To be eligible for an emergency loan, farmers must carry crop insurance.
The farmers are carrying on the work in defiance both of cantonal regulations and a supreme court injunction ordering them to stop.
The farmer carried me under his arm to the cornfield, and set me up on a tall stick, where you found me.
The story is, a farmer carried a calf up the stairs every day.
That is especially true for sugar, where the farmers will no longer carry the cost of the production levy.