And the farm-raised fish cost a bit less, about $11 a pound, compared with about $14 a pound for the wild variety.
Smaller eggs may not be a problem if all a hatchery is doing is producing farm-raised fish.
(a fish ecologist) are concerned by how little consumers know about the farm-raised fish they buy.
As for the taste of farm-raised fish versus fish caught in the open seas, he said, people have to decide for themselves.
But they have lost markets to farm-raised fish, which can be harvested at any time of the year.
But chickens, pigs and farm-raised fish are still given feed made from slaughterhouse waste.
Certainly, Dr. Hoskin said, no one has become sick as a result of drugs in farm-raised fish.
But a growing concern about the safety of farm-raised fish has given fresh wild salmon cachet.
The taste of farm-raised fish is never as full-bodied.
Its stock in trade is farm-raised fish like tilapia, catfish, shrimp and trout.