All of which makes him yearn for a non-stick subway car, an idea not so much farfetched as expensive.
This is not too farfetched an idea, considering that a historian of the area has given him maps supporting his hunch.
Still, we just might come up with some farfetched idea.
"Rain," Orb said, a farfetched idea coming to her.
Tell me, Baron, is that a very farfetched idea?
Such faith is a necessary basis for so farfetched an idea as building a nation in the American image in a faraway place.
I could hear them now: "I don't say Mitch isn't sound, but it was a pretty farfetched idea."
Most of us thought that rather a farfetched idea.
Otherwise, I can't imagine where I could get such a farfetched idea.
"I must reply that that is a somewhat farfetched idea."