At his farewell reception he summarised his tenure as "exciting, satisfying, frustrating, rewarding, enlightening".
Don't forget there's a farewell reception at noon at the Academisch Ziekenhuis.
At the farewell reception, she was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.
Built in 1719, the tavern was the site of Washington's farewell reception for his officers in 1783.
At his farewell reception the other day, a long line snaked around the Ambassador's residence as his Japanese friends waited nearly an hour to say goodbye.
It was at that time, he said, that a ritual at an event by the Christian men's group Promise Keepers inspired him to wash the feet of a longtime aide in front of other staff members at a farewell reception.
And yet, last night, at a farewell reception for the Center's observers at the Hotel InterContinental Phoenicia, Carter was looking enthused and animated, a glass of white wine in his hand, as he greeted friends and fellow observers.
The hearing, which lasted a little more than an hour, sounded at times like a farewell reception to a demanding but respected co-worker.
Prime Minister Tony Blair, for example, hosted a farewell reception in 2007 for his staff on the terrace.
The citizens of Lahore arranged a farewell reception in his honor in which he was named as Lisan-e-Pakistan (the voice of Pakistan).