A second single, "Impossible", fared reasonably well on rock radio, but suffered from the lack of a supporting video.
It fared reasonably well, with people considering it to be a hit movie.
Kirmani made a comeback in the Australian tour of 1985-86, where he fared reasonably well.
Under these circumstances, the lead singers, drawn from the company's rotating pool, fared reasonably well.
He finally tapped a middle-aged woman, who acknowledged her good fortune with remarkable composure, and fared reasonably well in the quiz.
For the next few days, they fared reasonably well, except for Weasel's blisters.
He fared reasonably well, and as usual it took two strong lads to withdraw his hand-carved ivory darts from the board.
Gowdy fared reasonably well in these elections, primarily because of his defensive ability.
That woeful performance damaged "Deadline," which fared reasonably well in its first try then fell back on Monday.
Opening to mixed reviews, the film fared reasonably well at the box office.