She has alienated many human rights groups, but endeared herself to the White House and her party's far-right wing.
So far, the second Bush term, to the extent that it has any discernible agenda, seems to be to cater to the far-right wing of his party - period.
These included Roberto Farinacci and Julius Evola, who represented the far-right wing of the Party.
The Bloc Identitaire is a far-right wing French nationalist political group.
A resounding theme of the evening's reporting was the ascendancy of the far-right wing of the Republican Party.
A deal with the Palestinians, but one that will require him to actually lead - to openly confront the far-right wing of his coalition or form a national unity government.
But we can't tolerate the last four years, especially the Republican Party and it's far-right wing.
Every other night, here in Europe, we're warned on television about the far-right wing in Germany.
Mr. Sharon, the leader of Israel's far-right wing, cannot take credit, or blame, for all of the tumult that his resignation set off.
It is obvious that he is in thrall to major corporate interests as well as to the far-right wing of the party.