New far-reaching measures to boost confidence will soon be needed in these and other areas of arms reduction.
Such far-reaching measures may be unacceptable to other nations.
Whether the most far-reaching measures are taken will depend on how long the current pension squeeze lasts.
The far-reaching measure, which was already approved by the House, bars discrimination against people with physical and mental disabilities.
The governor has said he wants a more far-reaching measure, and at one point he threatened to veto anything less.
That was only one of a host of Balaguer's far-reaching environmental measures.
Instead, sufficient time is needed to transpose these far-reaching measures into national legislation.
We must also accept that countries may take more far-reaching measures in order to achieve a higher level of protection.
We must take into account that more far-reaching measures may become necessary if a disaster is to be prevented.
Britain adopted far-reaching measures in the development of a planned national economy.