Her time is spent gathering art from museums and private collections and then supervising the printing in such far-flung sites as Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and Korea.
During her childhood, he'd been gone more often than not, excavating Celtic or Roman or Viking ruins at far-flung sites in Britain.
His work for Mr. Ludwig's National Bulk Carriers took him to far-flung sites from Alaska to Honduras, Brazil and the Galapagos Islands.
The mythic events concerning Io were transplanted, no doubt by colonists from Argos, to various far-flung sites in the Hellenic world.
This far-flung site, known as False Point, has been selected because it is an established seal hangout.
Traditionally, mayors deliver the State of the City address at City Hall; Bloomberg favors more far-flung sites.
For international travelers, the blog gridskipper.com links to far-flung sites like Pestiside.
Frame relay is a technology that is well suited to connecting corporate networks in far-flung sites and to transmitting information like credit card data or requests from automated teller machines.
In 1981, Mr. Hartling's organization had a staff of 1,000 people, roughly two-thirds of working in the far-flung dreary sites where refugees huddled.
Perhaps the biggest challenge, however, has been to design software able to juggle and link all the computing resources across far-flung sites, and deliver them on demand.