It was far weightier than any real blade, of course, but that was all to Cwan's liking.
Of far weightier import, First Senior Lirenda must succeed in her contest against Sethvir.
The "Miss Saigon" dispute was also part of a sociopolitical drama far weightier and broader than any single play.
The silverwares are far weightier and more elaborate than the Georgian and Regency originals on which they were based.
Those gifts obviously cost more than the items he bought across the street, and their purpose carries far weightier significance.
There are other privacies committed to my charge more troublesome and of far weightier import than these.
But a few hours earlier, they had been pondering far weightier matters.
We have far weightier business than your grievance against this wretch, whatever it may be.
But this show also pounces on a far weightier matter, namely the very nature of prime-time entertainment.
It also has two extra panels of carving and far weightier hardware.