In this case, it appears that blood is far thicker than a shared apartment lease.
However, when cost is important, almost any material can be used, but it must be far thicker.
Bass players tend to prefer thick picks because their strings are far thicker and farther apart than those of guitarists.
The asteroid belt of F124 had been far thicker, and her moon had had a slight rotation, he remembered.
The steel on her hull was far thicker than average to fight the solid mass of ice floes.
Sontor's right eyebrow was far thicker than Spock's, but it crawled up his forehead in a disturbingly similar way.
He was sheathed in a mist of fire that flamed like an opal and was far thicker than any veil should be.
The forest beyond is far thicker, the sky red.
These are far thicker than those of the tame species, and should make excellent saddles.
The thickness of the capillary wall, very thin though it was in normal terms, was far thicker than the length of the ship.