When the leaves fall, he suggested, home owners should pick them up and either burn or compost them to prevent further spreading of the fungus.
Since then, more than 176,000 cows have died from the disease and 4 million more were destroyed to prevent the disease from further spreading.
This can help prevent further spreading.
A further spreading of hybrids might hasten the process of interbreeding by reducing behavioural differences.
Window openings were covered with plexiglas and a cable was installed around the outside of the barn to prevent further spreading of the building.
But it could help the fund if it needed additional money to deal with a further spreading of the Asian crisis.
There are bans on the spreading, selling, relocation and transportation of S. molesta to help in the prevention of further spreading.
The Arena also has numerous fire doors that automatically lock in the case of a fire, so preventing the further spreading of a fire.
Firefighters instead made firebreaks in the roof on September 12 to prevent further spreading.
Some critics also fear that if irradiation is performed on a large scale it would result in further spreading of radioactive materials.