Some tenants are worried about pending government legislation - so far unsuccessful - to limit the enhanced vouchers to one year.
One of its responses has been to restrict Palestinian movement during a hunt, so far unsuccessful, for the killers.
Also, multiple groups claim to be "bringing back" Pepsi Blue, but are so far unsuccessful.
Administration officials said the budget would step up the White House's so far unsuccessful campaign to clamp down on pork-barrel spending by Congress.
Attempts to extract DNA have been so far unsuccessful but are continuing.
Jimmy Kibaki did have, so far unsuccessful, designs to be his father's political heir.
There have been various so far unsuccessful attempts by campaigners to accomplish the abolition of all remaining grammar schools.
Some of these companies helped finance Colgate-Palmolive's so far unsuccessful fight to win approval for the shelter in court.
This has been one of many so far unsuccessful attempts to build such a case.
Investigation into Levar's death has been so far unsuccessful.