Regular doses of replicated pumpkin mash have been prescribed to prevent any further recurrence of her symptoms.
We feel that we are doing everything possible to avoid a further recurrence of this unfortunate parasite.
Indeed, the President agreed that "a stern redress" of the rioters' "wrongs" was the "surest protection of society against their further recurrence."
American military officials said tonight that they were "solely responsible for his erroneous release and are conducting a thorough investigation to ensure no further recurrences."
Her GP informed us that she has had a further recurrence of left hemiparesis and, after investigation, the provisional diagnosis is demyelination.
My wife also has to undergo six weeks of radiotherapy to minimise the possibility of a further recurrence.
After no further recurrences, the doctors were at a loss.
Two patients required operation because of further recurrence after heater probe treatment and difficulties in reaching the lesion, respectively.
He knew the only recourse for preventing further recurrences: complete and total logic.
If the infection is severe or repeated, a surgical procedure known as marsupialization may be required to stop further recurrences.