Could be seen as an act of further provocation.
With no further provocation, Tony raised his gun and shot the man in the head.
Nicholas was about to say something, then thought better of it, intuiting that she would use anything he said now as further provocation.
It has since vowed to retaliate with much greater force to any further provocations by Pyongyang.
"That remark is a further provocation, worth at least two more blows!"
Admiral Fargo added, "I would not be surprised to see further provocations of some variety."
Once to order the border garrison at Forese quietly increased but not by so much as to amount to further provocation in itself.
A further provocation was his efforts to establish a new hereditary nobility in Norway.
Without further provocation, the man beat up her husband and hospitalized him for days.
We must give Georgia our support at a moment when the country fears further provocation, and even aggression, by Russia.