From the far peaks a Frenchman armed with a good telescope could probably count the buttons on Sharpe's jacket.
There, above the far peaks, he saw dark clouds assembling and moving westward on the wind.
Then came inner silence, even as the majestic sound of the deluge hit the farthest peaks and came echoing back.
By the time I reached the furthest peak I was feeling distinctly sick.
The farthest high peaks were lost in the mist.
He looked at Vigdis, who seemed all right, then over at the far peak, where men were racing downhill.
The 2004/05 year saw a further peak, owing to the production of the Australian feature film Jindabyne, which was majority funded by private investors.
Rick stood gazing toward the farthest ridge, the farthest peak.
At the west end of the valley, the sun had already dipped below the far peak, though the sky was still coldly bright.
Only the far peak of the treetops caught the last rays of the sun.