An interesting further occurrence of screaming took place in August 1986 in Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Thomas Percival, a physician, was commissioned to investigate and to make recommendations on how to prevent further occurrences.
"I hope you are not here to report further occurrences of human abuse?"
Further, he requested the Danish government issue an apology and urged them to prevent further occurrences of "such heinous acts."
Any further occurrence, there is a further sanction.
If the further occurrence happens otherwise than during an over, the batting side is awarded 5 penalty runs.
If the further occurrence happens during an over, the bowler is banned from bowling further in the innings.
Domestic carriers are required by law to fix the airplanes, to prevent further occurrences.
Our strategic objectives must be to prevent further occurrences of this phenomenon.
Three rapes were reported (and no action was taken in 2005 to prevent further occurrences).